Masking update: As of October 16, 2024, masks are required in patient care areas, patient rooms and waiting rooms. 

Larissa Tutert

larissa tutert

Larissa Tutert is a physiotherapist who holds a Master of Science in Physical Therapy from the University of Toronto and an Honours Bachelor of Science with a specialization in Kinesiology from Queen’s University.

She has extensive training in the neurofunctional sports performance approach, male and female pelvic health, and medical acupuncture. In addition to manual osteopathic fascial techniques, Larissa has pursued internationally recognized post-graduate education in advanced orthopaedics and joint/spinal manipulations. She has achieved the designation of Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy (FCAMPT).

Larissa has worked with professional and national-level athletes across several sports. As an in-house physiotherapist, she has treated elite dancers at Canada’s National Ballet School and national-level cheerleaders. Larissa has provided sports medical coverage for Skate Canada, Toronto Marathon, Toronto Rugby Union, and Canada Cup Squash.

She holds an academic appointment for the University of Toronto’s Department of Physical Therapy. As an Adjunct Lecturer, she provides instructional training for physiotherapy students pursuing Master degrees. Larissa is also an instructor for the McMaster University Contemporary Medical Acupuncture program. She leads workshops for physicians, chiropractors and other clinicians, teaching hands-on acupuncture techniques.

Larissa provides talks for a variety of health and wellness communities. She created and currently instructs the Prenatal Pelvic Floor Health Workshop for Mount Sinai Hospital.

larissa tutert